Friday, December 5, 2014

To Love a Villain

I take the offered flower willingly
But crush the fragile heart when turned around
I veil well this, my hidden cruelty
‘Til the fortress opens and love abounds
Quickly I strike, take what I freely can
Then change the image of my heart to stone
Turn deaf my ears, all her cries I do ban
Then smile in malice when she is alone
Having taken my fill of her pure soul
I leave it stained with my vile corruption
The tears shed in my wake fulfill my goal
To precipitate a hearts disruption
Love is the universal suicide
Endlessly crushing hearts one at a time

Her tears are like diamonds, jewels mined from grief
Eyes like pools of woe, where the dismal die
Like knives at deadly work, her vengeful teeth
Heart saw Medusa, stone enclosed its life
I’m a breeder of the bitter heartless
Ripping out hearts with a broken promise
Putting iron in their souls for hardness
Creating an army of the lawless
With each fresh face which mourns my rejection
The love that’s unreturned comes back to bite
To pay the price of misplaced affection
Makes a holy heart which is filled with spite
The countless I’ve joyously affected
 Have dark hearts that cannot be dissected

The broken girls go out into the Earth
They spread my wicked soul-sucking disease
They do like me, without the vicious mirth
The more my lesson spreads, the greater ease
Their hearts go down like dominoes throughout
One here, another there, all love and lose
In the end love will cease to come about
And all the hearts will ache and feel abused
My victims become that which they do hate
Rejecting poor lovers after they turn
Take what they can, then leave them to wait
And another one has his lesson learned
I enjoy playing with these broken things
The broken more readily crown a king

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