Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17- Alphabet Soup

       An Asylum is a very unpleasant place for the "patients" or, as we prefer, prisoners. Besides the obvious oppression which presides over this place, people can be very particular about how their madnesses are presented. Crazy people get petty, even pouty when one so presumptuously calls them such. Dare not or prepare to procure your will, for death will come promptly. Everyone here is preposterously prim, assured in the proper apparatus of their minds, even while demonstrating its utter pestilence. For those petty few who portray a picture of weakness, the psychopaths devour purposefully. Great in their own minds, and powerful enough to pose as providers of peace, should one pay the proper price, though purveyors of lies is more appropriate. Here the patient prisoners rule, or are ruled, while the physicians present maintain prim composures, but privately pray for their lives daily. I am the one sane person in prison here, the asylum for criminally insane people. Jokes come with a price, I fear, but pretending madness has possibly cost me more. Killed, I'll be, of this I am pretty certain. Letting onto my facade, this pale mask of less than pure mindedness is peeling away. Maybe I am becoming crazy, I've persisted in this place more than I'd appreciate. No, I refuse to do so. Opposition is the key. Power will put me in a potential place of pride. Questions by the psychiatrists put me in a pretty awkward position. Really, they get much too personal. Still, I pretend I'm willing. Tonight, I will procure a tale of pure fantasy. Under the scope of psychiatric hate I will be put once more. Very much so, is this oppression. Why am I here? Xanthippe Killer, they called, I put fear in the hearts of prim and proper people, women in particular. Yes, I'm a murderer, that's why I have put on a pretext of insanity, pretense of pure crazy. Zombie-like they tried to make me with their precious pills, to put us in a docile place of mind, but I will not accept; wait... where are- Have I been talking to myself?

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