Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4-Historical Accuracy

           Breaking news! There has been an extra-terrestrial creature spotted atop the Empire State building! The government is warning all citizens to avoid contact. Government agents are expected to make contact soon. The alien's space-craft wasn't spotted until it mysteriously materialized in front of the Empire Sate building, where it promptly landed, and the strange, humanoid creature exited the craft. It is said to be at least 8 feet tall and completely un-clothed. Goodness. We will continue with coverage of this shocking circumstance, and report any developments as they happen. 

         Those near enough to a radio to hear this report stopped in their tracks. This was completely unexpected. Aliens in the Big Apple? That kind of thing wasn't supposed to happen, other than in H. G. Wells stories. Jack Norman, a mafia trigger man, set his hooch on the counter and listened attentively. Despite this being the lowest point to date in this economic downfall, Jack was well provided for by his less than legal means of money-making, so he was able to afford a radio in his home. Jack badly wanted to see this anomaly, but with a warrant out for his arrest he had to lay low, and remain hidden. The radio broke in again with this report,

        There has been mass hysteria throughout the city, with riots and raids breaking out all over Manhattan. The panic first struck when the alien spotted on the Empire State building made this declaration,and I quote "I mean no harm to you or your society. Please don't attempt to harm me, and I'll soon be on my way." A shot was fired at the creature and the man who fired, Police officer Richard Smith, was vaporized instantly. The surrounding crowd began to panic, and soon after, to riot and loot the city's stores and shops, causing mass chaos. Police officers have futilely attempted to quell these riots, and continue now to try to maintain peace. 

      Jack's eyes lit up. Those idiot coppers were too busy to be looking out for him. This was his chance. If he was spotted, he could easily vanish into the rioting crowds. He got up, turned off his radio, put on his long overcoat and fedora, and walked out his door. He descended the stairs and exited the main tenement building. He could see already the hysteria spoken of on the radio. People were either running away from the Empire State building, or running towards it, all of them frightened, but also a little excited. As Jack joined the crowd heading towards the building, he saw looters trashing stores along the way. Clothes lay spilled out on the street, torn or dirty, often both. Radios and refrigerators were being loaded into stolen cars and taken away. Jack grinned. This was the best night of his life; he thrived on the chaos that surrounded him.
       A policeman stood in the path of the crowd, attempting to stop them from proceeding towards their destination. He failed, getting bumped and pushed around in the crowd. When he got to Jack, he was thrown down and trampled, something Jack took great pleasure in doing.
       The crowd reached the building, and Jack shoved and twisted his way towards the front. What he saw kept him staring in awe. The space-craft the alien had arrived in was twice as tall as the alien himself, (who was rather tall to begin with.) but only a few feet thicker. It was a shining, seemingly silver metal, though it must have been as light as aluminum not to have crashed through the roof. The Alien himself, whom had previously declared himself a martian, though Jack didn't know it, was blasting into a large group of coppers, disintegrating them with his eyes only. He had a large head, spindly, elongated limbs, his arms reaching below his knees, and skin like an alligator. He bared his teeth at the policemen he was killing methodically. Clearly he was pissed. His teeth were about the size of human teeth, but a deep, dirty yellow, and sharp as tacks. his eyes glowed red and he evaporated a few more of the coppers. They gave up, and ran as fast as they could away from him.

        One copper, on his sprint to escape the alien, saw Jack Norman and stopped immediately. Ever the man of duty, he proceeded into the crowd of observers to bring in his man. Jack spots him and grins. One more copper about to die. When the officer gets to Jack, Jack pulls out his large hunting knife and rams it into the heart of the police officer. The surrounding people are too engaged with the alien to notice this minor incident.
         The alien, once cooled down from his rage, makes a strange wailing noise. A type of lament, in regret for what he's done, Jack assumes. Having seen all he cared to, Jack calmly walks back to his apartment, and his radio.

      Breaking news! The alien spotted on the top of the Empire State building earlier today has been killed. The National Guard arrived on the scene shortly after the rampage ended with orders to shoot on sight. Though the bullets were unable to penetrate the skin of the creature, one found its way to the eye of the alien, killing it instantly. The riots have ceased, many have been arrested for their part in them. New York remains rocked by this tragic occurrence, but the crisis appears to be over. 
      In unrelated news, a Police Officer has been found stabbed to death in the street. Any knowledge concerning his death would be greatly appreciated by the NYPD.  

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