Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place
       It is completely still. Neither wind nor gentle breeze. No sound of birds chirping, or a small animal scurrying by. Dead silence, and absolute calm. Long yellow stalks of wheat jut out of the ground. Not growing, simply there, as they always have been, waist high and the color of uncleansed teeth. Time does not pass. The sun sits at the point right before sunset, just above the horizon, the sky a rusty orange, mixed with white. It does not move. It does not sink into the purple hues of sunset. A massive leafless forest imposingly surrounds the field, full of jagged, lifeless tress. They too, seem to be eternal. There is no change, nor motion. All is still. All is calm. Beyond and within the forest lies absolute dark, the promise of evil things and certain doom to those who enter. Even that is preferable to the utter lack contained within this field. This Elysium, a completely neutral, apathetic place, that holds neither promise of judgement nor reward. Eternal stillness. Eternal timeless wandering in a field of wheat and sorrow. 

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