Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10- Pet Peeves

      Idiots are absolutely the most annoying, frustrating thing on the planet. Not only do they have the most un-informed opinions, they voice them loudly enough to force others to concede to their moronic ideals. They refuse to learn, they refuse to accept reality, preferring their illusions. They not only complain about being victimized, they insist on it just so they can complain, again and again, constantly attempting to garner pity from those with greater resources. The worst part of all though is the encouragement they receive from modern society. They are not simply tolerated, but encouraged. Mediocrity is championed, and intelligence ignored so that the common moron may feel justified in their stupidity. They are told to be themselves, that nothing is wrong with them, it's everyone else who has the problem, that they never need to change. Why would one wish to maintain inferiority of any kind? Why would you be yourself, if you could better yourself? It's not impossible, but the idiot is a common acceptance, and when that happens why would they even bother going through the difficult process of true change?  Ridicule is a motivating factor that modern society has attempted to root out at every level, because we value worthless peoples self-worth more than we value the good of society as a whole. We are constantly concerned about the steep decline in the intelligence level of the United States population, yet if these basic flaws society encourages are not put in a different light, what makes you think it would be any different? The decline will continue, eventually someone just intelligent enough will convince the remaining idiots that have become the majority that the world will be better off under his rule, just as in fascist Italy, and Nazi Germany, Then democracy will have finished its slow agonizing death in the United States that has already begun. The world will crumble under a society like that, and all because idiots were allowed to run rampant throughout the nation with no discouragement of their idiocy. It has become a struggle for those who still maintain some kind of intelligence to attempt to educate the idiot, only to be shouted at, belittled, and battered for having a superior skill that, as long as they maintain their stubborn ignorance, they could only dream of attaining. This problem is more than annoying, more than a pet peeve, it is a problem that will crack the already crumbling foundations of society to they point of utter destruction.  Valuing emotion over logic, and self over the whole, this kind of person will be the end of the world.

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