Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28- Mixed Bag

       Lights flash as all around there are screaming children, laughing teenagers, and smiling adults all enjoying themselves as they bounce around in a room full of trampolines. This is the new sweeping sensation known as Jump Jam, a "trampoline park" which, as one could probably guess, is just a room full of trampolines. People are crossing from trampoline to trampoline, traversing the room via jump. All of a sudden, the screaming stops, the room goes dead silent, and faces once red with exertion and joy turn pale with fright after witnessing the grotesque spectacle before them. A rotting, twisted figure that vaguely resembles former President John F. Kennedy. The back of this horrifying specter's head is almost all gone, with a few remnants of brain peaking through.
         The man, now zombie, that was John Kennedy says calmly, but sluggishly, as one would expect from a man missing most of his brain  "My sewage appears to be backed up. Does anyone know where I can reach a plumber?" The screams start up again, this time by everyone; this time in horror. Kennedy looks around, confused and helpless as the mass runs out of the building terrified, all doing their best to avoid him. One poor soul falls to the floor beside him. Kennedy sees the onrushing crowd close to trampling the man and reaches out to help him up, but the fool recoils in disgust, and is stomped flat by the panicked, stampeding herd which has become no better than cattle.
        When the room clears Kennedy looks around, then down at the man who was battered, miraculously still clinging to life. He holds up his cell phone towards the former President and says,
        "Plumber..." weakly before collapsing into the sweet release of death. Kennedy picks up the phone, and sees in the contacts an establishment called Joe's Plumbing Services. Unable to work the phone, he tries to wake the dead man, but obviously is unsuccessful. In desperation he taps the phone where it mentions the plumbing service and Voila! the phone begins to dial, then ring. He holds it up to his misshapen ear and says,
         "Hello? Yes, I would like to acquire your services if I may. Yes the address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The big white one. No this isn't a prank. My name? John Kennedy-" He was cut off by the harsh click of whom he assumed must be Joe hanging up. He realized no one would help him and decided he'd have to do the work himself. His stomach began to growl and he realized how hungry he was, so he knelt down and began to devour the helpful dead man's brains ravenously.

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