Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 16- Rain

Fall Rain

          Unexpectedly, a sudden spike of cold erupts on the surface of your skin, so cold it almost burns. You know what this is, having been exposed to this sensation for years. It's the beginning of a rainstorm. With no shelter around, and having forgotten a jacket or umbrella, you are at the mercy of the weather for however long nature decides. The wind picks up, buffeting your face and arms, chilling your hands to a point just before numbness. The rain no longer sprinkles, but become a steady pour of heavy orbs of water. The sound is like an army approaching on horse-back, and the sky lights up with ominous lightning. Though you should expect it, you jump at the boom of the thunder, laughing viciously at your plight. The overcast sky offers no gleam of sunshine, no hope that this misery inducing nightmare will end soon. You continue pressing onward, through the wind which threatens to throw you backwards like a rag-doll, through the rain which numbs your hands, arms, and face, through the storm, for no reason except that you have no choice. The wind blasts at one-hundred miles an hour, and the rain spitefully stings your face like an infinite swarm of bees. This fall rain, a precursor to the cruel winter storm, does everything in its power to break you, and maybe it will. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so intense. :O Very descriptive as well. I liked reading this very much. ☺☺☺
